Rebekah Sidman-Taveau

ESL 10-1 - SFAI


Fall 2006

Instructor : Rebekah Sidman-Taveau
E-mail :
Phone : (650) 283-7648
Meeting place : Rm 20 B
Meeting time :
Office hours : 1-3pm Tuesdays and Thursdays in Studio 15.
Course website :

Course Description

This course is designed to support you as an English as second language learner in your studies at the San Francisco Art Institute. We will examine relevant linguistic and cultural topics including reading and writing with a specific focus on art historical texts and studio critiques. Students will develop their academic vocabulary and participate in discussions of daily language issues. Customized classes on grammar, pronunciation, and listening and speaking will be provided.


Reading You will have weekly assigned readings.
Vocabulary Journal Each student will keep a vocabulary journal based on ESL course materials, as well as critical vocabulary gathered from all of your classes at the Art Institute.
Weekly Questions Each week you will be required to e-mail me one language or culture question for discussion in class. The question should not be something you may look up easily in a dictionary or grammar book.
Essays You will write two out of class essays and two in class essays. The out of class essays may be the same essays you turn in for other classes.
Presentations You will give one presentation of your work and one presentation of another artist's work.

Goals and Expectations

You are expected to come to class prepared and to participate in class discussions. Upon completion of this course, you should be able to:

Class Attendance Policy and Grading

To receive credit for the course, you must participate regularly in class, complete assignments on time, and have 90% or better attendance

Required Texts and Materials

Azar Schrampfer, Betty, Understanding and Using English Grammar 3rd edition Vol.A Longman, Longman Advanced American Dictionary


Please do not hesitate to contact me or to stop by for my office hours, should you have any questions or concerns.