Mundo Hispano Web Quest

This page will give you instructions on what to do for the presentation. The purpose of the presentation is for you and your classmates to share cultural information while also practicing Spanish.


Prepare a description of three days of your itinerary (your partner(s) will do three different days).

Include the places you will visit. Name at least three different ones -cities, towns, tourist sites, restaurants OR hotels.
Include the activities you will do. Use at least three different verbs - for example, if you are going to the beach and then to a restaurant you could use: "nadar", "broncear" y "comer".
Describe the places and explain why you and your partner chose them.

You are going to present this information with your partner(s) for your classmates during class time.  Ask your instructor for more details on the presentation format and see the "modelo" below for ideas.

Humor and creativity are welcome!
Visual aides such as posters and printouts are also encouraged.


Nosotros vamos a ir a México. Queremos visitar la ciudad de México por 4 días porque hay muchos museos de arte y mucha vida nocturna. Vamos al Museo de Frida Kahlo, al museo de Antropología en la ciudad de México y la casa de Diego Rivera. En la ciudad de México, también queremos conocer los grandes centros comerciales, algunos restaurantes famosos, la catedral y las ruinas del Templo Mayor.

Después de ir a la ciudad de México viajamos hacia el sur. Vamos a visitar Puebla, una famosa ciudad colonial que tiene muchas iglesias del siglo XVII; luego vamos a ir a Oaxaca, para conocer Monte Albán, la casa de Hernán Cortés y otras cosas. Creo que nos quedamos ahí por tres días.

Después vamos a acampar en la selva en Yucatán, y al final vamos a ir a Cancún para divertirnos como locos.

The links contained in this page have been compiled from a variety of sources. While every attempt has been made to find sites of quality, we do not guarantee their accuracy. The University of Texas at Austin is in no way responsible for the information contained in these sites.

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